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22 april 2014


22 April  2014
4, ulitsa Ilyinka, Moscow,  Gostiny Dvor

09.00 - 18.00

«Russian Fuel and Energy Complex in the XXI Century» Exhibition opening hours 

10.00 - 12.30 Round Table:
“Development of the Russian heat-supply: the key problems and solutions”


Rogalev Nikolay Dmitrievich, rector of the National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute”


Zinchenko Sergey Nikolaevich, deputy Head of Federal Tariff Service;

Rogalev Nikolay Dmitrievich, rector of the National Research University «Moscow Power Engineering Institute»;
«Key Problems of Russian heat supply and some ways of its salvation on the base of Science Research University «Moscow Energetic University»;

Shelkov Vladimir Vitalyievich, Gederal Director of LLC «Kvadra»;

Ivanov Sergey Alexandrovich, head of heat business development LLC «Complex Energetic systems»;

Semenov Victor Germanovich, General Director JSC of All-Russian research-and-projects-construction Institute “EnergoProm”, President of non-commercial partnership «Russian Heat Supply»;

Frolov Igor Anatolievich, director of the City Public Office «Energetika», Department of the Fuel-Power ecomony of Moscow City;

Venue: Plenary Session Hall

12.30 - 13.30

Business Lunch. Presentation of Leonardo Golf Village.

Venue: Reception Hall
13.30 - 16.00 International Conference:
«Strategic Prospects and current projects of hydrocarbon reserves in Arctic shelves»


Krivorotov Andrey Konstantinovich, head of the corporate relation Dept., STOKMANN  development AG;

Churkin Nikolay Pavlovich
, member of the agroindustrial complex and nature management’ council upon the chairman of the Federal Counil of the Federal Assembly of the RF;


Petrenko Vadim Evgenievich, head of technique and technologies of the sea fields development’ management division of the gas, gas condensate and oil development, JSC «GAZPROM»;
«About strategic prospective and current projects of development of the hydrocarbons’ field in the Arctic shelves of the RF»;

Nikitin Boris Alexandrovich, Head of the  Chair «Development of the sea’ oil and gas fields» of the Russian State University named after Gubkin, Professor;

Stupakova Antonina Vasilyevna, head of the Chair of geology and geochemistry of the combustible minerals of the Geological Faculty of Moscow State University named after Lomonosov;

Sungurov Anton Alexandrovich, head of the «Rystad Energy» representative office in Russia and CIS Countries;
«Use of the modern databases for analysis of the world oil and gas branch, and in upstream segment by the example of the Arctic region»;

Zolotov Yury Mikhailovich, director of the non-commercial organization "Fund of prospective projects and research of Arctic";
«Innovative project. Electric power generation on the base of boiler».

Venue: Plenary Session Hall

16.30 - 18.00

Round Table:
«Development of national system of national system for trunk pipe lines: the ways of increasing of reliability and effectiveness. Promising projects and innovative technologies»


Epishov Alexander Pavlovich, the Senior analyst of the Moscow International Energy Forum “Russian Fuel and Energy Complex in the XXI Century”


Volkov Denis Igorevich, Head of the oil and gas branches’ Management Division, Federal Tariffs Service of the RF;

Zherdev Alexey Anatolievich, General Director of LLC «TDW Evrasia»;

Vanyakin Andrey Vyacheslavovich, deputy head of engineering decisions Dept., OPTEN Group of Companies;
«Optic-fiber technologies of deformations’ monitoring of the trunk pipelines in the sections with complicated geophysical conditions»;

Nefedov Sergey Vasilyevich, director of the technical conditions and integrity;’ management Center of the JSC «Gazprom VNIIGAZ»;
«Management of technical condition and integrity of gas transport systems»;

Protasov Victor Nikolaevich, professor of the Chair of the Machines and equipment in the oil and gas industry of the RGU named after I.M.Gubkin, head of constructing laboratory of polymer coating of the oil and gas equipment and buildings;
«Condition and prospective of polymer coating’ usage for increasing of effectiveness, reliability and safety of oil and gas pipelines, energy economy while exploitation»;

Safonova Tamara Yurievna, General Director of LLC «Independent analytic agency of oil and gas sector»;
«Influence of national trunk pipelines’ development for changes of oil cargo traffics, formation of reference brand of oil VSTO»;

Churkin Gleb Yurievich, deputy director of Independent non-commercial organization «Agency of research of industrial risks»;

Shkuraeva Galina Alexeevna, head of the project of LLC «Hermetic materials plant»;
«Materials for isolation and protection of the pipelines from aggressive factors of environment under the exceptional natural conditions»;

Venue: Plenary Session Hall

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