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20 years ago, Rio de Janeiro saw an historical event – the International Conference on Sustainable Development that was first to contemplate sustainable development of the mankind.
Before another global conference to be held in Rio in June 2012, the UN announced commencement of the campaign RIO+20: The Future We Want. Its aim is to begin a conversation about the ways to supply the needs of seven-billion global population, still saving the planet for the future generations. Ban Ki-moon, the UN Secretary General, stressed that the current way of development led nowhere. Even now, the world faces the problems concerning the food and clean water shortage, the environment pollution and the city overpopulation, the growing emission of greenhouse gases and the consequences of climate changes. The head of the United Nations reminded about his previous initiative Sustainable Energy Supply for Everyone. This year’s Rio Conference is expected to put forward new initiatives concerning a wide range of issues. Among them are the access to clean water, the development of inexhaustible land use, the erection of safe and sustainable cities, the restoration of the oceans and the job creation in the green economy.
“In Rio, we should set new goals in sustainable development to replace the millennium goals and we should agree on the ways of their achievement," said Ban Ki-moon.
He believes that the problems facing the humanity can be solved only by combined effort. This campaign is intended to make everyone take thought of how to create better tomorrow and of the contribution to it by all the people of Earth – both political leaders and small farmers, both communities and individuals.

Translated from Russian into English by Literra translation bureau

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