I sincerely greet the participants and guests of the Moscow International Energy Forum «Russian Fuel and Energy Complex in the XXI Century».
It is the second year the Forum has the new, international format; within its framework, political and public figures, scientists and experts from various countries meet in Moscow to discuss complex issues of the world power industry, the energy and climatic security.
Undoubtedly, the current increased attention to the fuel and energy themes is easy to explain: whether it regards acts of nature, such as the natural disaster in Japan, or «man-made» cataclysms, such as those in North Africa – the energy question are always of first priority. They are the questions which answers can literally influence the choice of how the world power industry and even all the global economy will develop for years and even decades. Realizing the scale and complexity of the problems faced by the world community in this sphere means, among other things, necessity of internationally coordinating efforts and developing cooperative approaches to their resolution.
The Moscow International Energy Forum «Russian Fuel and Energy Complex in the XXI Century» is one of the most convenient work platforms for discussing the key energy sector themes openly and competently, and for generating high-quality ideas: the ideas which are becoming more and more demanded by the world economy as well as by the international policies of individual countries.
To this end, I wish that the participants of these Moscow meetings will have the productive and creative work, mutual understanding and team spirit that tend to become a specific feature of the Forum and its good tradition.
Ê. I. Kosachev
Co-Chairman of the MIEF Organizing Committee
Chairman of the State Duma Committee for International Affairs
Translated from Russian into English by Literra translation bureau