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Program of MIEF-2011

Program for April 6, 2011
Program for April 7, 2011
Program for April 8, 2011
Program for April 9, 2011

April 6, 2011

Detailed Program for April 6, 2011 »»»

09.00-18.00 Arrival and registration of the MIEF-2011 participants

Big Hall CEH «Manege»:
no events

Conference Hall CEH «Manege»:
Round Table «EU New Energy Strategy: Aftereffects for Russia»

14.00-14.30 Coffee Break
Big Hall CEH «Manege»:
no events

Conference Hall CEH «Manege»:
Round Table «Forecasting of the World and Russian Energy Sector Development»

April 7, 2011

Detailed Program for April 7, 2011 »»»

09.00-18.00 Arrival and registration of the MIEF-2011 participants

10.00-18.00 Exhibition «Russian Fuel and Energy Complex in the XXI Century»
10.00-10.30 Ceremonial Opening of the Exhibition «Russian Fuel and Energy Complex in the XXI Century»
Big Hall CEH «Manege»: 
Plenary Discussion «Russian Fuel and Energy Complex in the XXI Century: International Dimension»

Conference Hall CEH «Manege»:
Technical Seminar of Schneider Electric Company

13.30-14.30 Coffee Break
Big Hall CEH «Manege»: 
International Conference «Foreign Investments in the Russian Fuel and Energy Complex:  Current State and Prospects»

Conference Hall CEH «Manege»:
International Conference «Eastern Vector in the Russian Energy Strategy»
Round Table (in the conference frameworks) «Russian-Chinese Strategic Energy Partnership: Potential and Ways of Implementation»

18.00-21.00 Ceremonial Part on the Occasion of the Forum Opening

April 8, 2011

Detailed Program for April 8, 2011 »»»

09.00-18.00 Arrival and registration of the MIEF-2011 participants

10.00-18.00 Exhibition «Russian Fuel and Energy Complex in the XXI Century»
Assembly Hall MGIMO-University (76, Vernadskogo Avenue) :
International Conference «Global Energy Safety: New Agenda»
Big Hall CEH «Manege»:
no events

Conference Hall CEH «Manege»:
Round Table «Modernization of Production Facilities in Electric Power Industry: Problems and Solutions»

Big Hall CEH «Manege»: 
International Conference «Updated Legal Mechanisms of Stimulating Investments in the Heat Power Industry:  First Results and Assessments by Market Players»

Conference Hall CEH «Manege»:
Round Table «Human Resourcing of Russian Fuel and Energy Complex Modernization: High School in Focus»

14.00-15.00 Coffee Break
14.00-15.00 Торжественное награждение участников выставки «ТЭК России в XXI веке»
Big Hall CEH «Manege»:
International Conference «Smart Electric Grids: World Experience and Prospects of Russia»

Conference Hall CEH «Manege»:
International Conference «Modernization of the Russian Oil and Gas Industry: Concepts and Strategies»

April 9, 2011

Detailed Program for April 9, 2011 »»»
10.00-16.00 Exhibition «Russian Fuel and Energy Complex in the XXI Century»
Big Hall CEH «Manege»:
no events

Conference Hall CEH «Manege»:
13.00 - 16.00
Joint Session of the MIEF Organizing and Program Committees with Participation of the Co-chairmen of the Conferences and Speakers. Development of the MIEF-2011 Outcomes

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