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Yesterday, a press conference, preceding the MIEF-2011, was held in the Moscow studio of RIA-Novosti

1 April 2011

The Moscow International Energy Forum «Russian Fuel and Energy Complex in the XXI Century» opens on 6 April. On the threshold of the Forum, the press conference devoted to the «Role and Place of the Russian Fuel and Energy Complex on the International Energy Arena» took place in RIA-Novosti’s Moscow studio.

The press conference was participated by the MIEF-2011 Organizing Committee members: L. M. Grigoryev – Professor of the Higher School of Economics, A. N. Dmitrievskiy – Director of the Institute of Oil and Gas Problems of the RAS, A. P. Epishov – Principal Analyst of MIEF, L. R. Sorkin – Director General of CJSC «Honeywell». 

The invited speakers told journalists about the Forum – one of the biggest and most significant public events in the Russian power industry. The MIEF-2011 comes at a sensitive time, against the background of the tragic events, happening on the Middle East and in Japan.  That is why now, more than ever, the decision-makers need assessments, forecasts and advice from the world energy experts. In this connection, MIEF, being an independent public-expert platform, is very attractive for participants and it will assist in search for constructive approaches to the key problems of the contemporary world power industry.

Video from the press conference in the Moscow studio of RIA-Novosti: www.rian.ru/press_video/20110331/359971799.html

Translated from Russian into English by Literra translation bureau

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