5 June 2014
Today, on the 5th of June 2014, a session of the Program Committee of the XII Forum and Exhibition “Russian Fuel & Energy Complex in the XXI Century” will take place in the Federal Council building. The agenda of the upcoming session is the definitive edition of the final Declaration of the XII Forum and Exhibition “Russian Fuel & Energy Complex in the XXI Century” confirmation.
In the session will participate:
- BOBYLEV Sergey Nuikolaevich, professor of the Economy faculty of the state University named after M.V. Lomonosov ;
- VOLOSHIN Vladimir Ivanovich, head of the energy politics Div. of the research center of the real economy sector of the Economy Institute of the Russian Academy of Science (RAS);
- GRIGORYEV Alexander Vladimirovich, head of the Fuel and Energy Complex Research Dept., the Institute of the Natural Monopolies Problems;
- GRIGORYEV Leonid Markovich, the Senior counselor of the Analytic Center of the Government of the RF, professor of the National Research University by the Higher School of Economics (NRU HSE);
- DMITRIEVSKY Anatoly Nikolaevich, Director of the Institute of the Oil and Gas problems of the Russian Academy of Science (RAS), Member of the RAS academy;
- DEMKOV Vladimir Ivanovich, General Director of LLC «SK Stolitza»;
- EPISHOV Alexander Pavlovich, First deputy to the CEO - Senior analyst of the Moscow International Energy Forum “Fuel and Energy complex of Russia in XXI Century”;
- EPISHOV Andrey Pavlovich, CEO to the Moscow International Energy Forum “Russian Fuel and Energy complex in XXI Century”.
- ZOLOTOV Yury Mikhailovich, director of the non-commercial organization "Fund of prospective projects and research of Arctic";
- IVASHENSCOV Gleb Alexandrovich, deputy director of the Russian Center of developments by APEC, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the RF;
- KULAGIN Vyacheslav Alexandrovich, head of the world energy markets research Center of the energy researches Institute of the RAS;
- MEZHEVICH Valentin Efimovich, deputy General Director of JSC “Russian Networks”;
- ROGALEV Nikolay Dmitrievich, rector of the National Research University «Moscow Power Engineering Institute»;
- SAAKYAN Yury Zavenovich, General Director of The Institute of Natural Monopolies Research (IPEM);
- SALYGIN Valery Invanovich, director of the MIEP MGIMO under Ministry of Foreign affairs, corresponding member of the RAS;
- SALCHENKOV Vladimir Grigorievich, deputy to the head of economy politics Committee office of the Federal Council of the RF;
- SHAMKOV Yury Veniaminovich, first deputy of Chairman of the Economy politics Committee of the Federal Council of the RF;
- SHAFRAN Arkady Mikhailovich, expert-analytics of the fuel and energy complex research department of the Institute of Natural Monopolies Research (IPEM);
- EIGEL Ilya Stenlevich, deputy head of government authorities’ cooperation Dept of the JSC «Gazprom».