29 April 2014
Many speakers of the Forum have stressed the necessity of renewal process of the Russian Energy Strategy, considering the sufficient changes happened in the world energy markets.
Participants of the discussions, international conferences and Round tables have discussed the wide range of the fuel and energy complex development: the regional aspects of the energy effectiveness, energy saving, heat supply, gas and motor transport infrastructure’ creation; the issues of the innovative development of the fuel and gas branch in the arctic and far eastern Russian shelves.
At the moment, the Program Committee of the «Russian Fuel and Energy Complex in XXI Century» Forum analyses and summarizes all the proposals of the Forum speakers, to bring them to the attention of the federal executive and legislative authorities.
Among the speakers of the XII Moscow International Energetic Forum «Russian Fuel and Energy Complex in XXI Century» were:
- Bushuev Vitaly Vasilevich, General Director of the Energy Strategy Institute;
- Volkov Denis Igorevich, Head of the oil and gas branches’ Management Division, Federal Tariffs Service of the RF;
- Golubev Valery Alexandriovich, deputy Chairman of the Board of JSC “Gazprom”;
- Dmitrievsky Anatoly Nikolaevich, Director of the Institute of the Oil and Gas problems of the Russian Academy of Science (RAS), Member of the RAS academy;
- Epishov Alexander Pavlovich, the Senior analyst of the Moscow International Energy Forum “Fuel and Energy complex of Russia in XXI Century”;
- Zherdev Anatoly Anatolievich, Dean of the “Energetic of mechanical engineering” faculty of Moscow State Technical University named after Bauman, professor, doctor of technical science;
- Zinchenko Sergey Nikolaevich, deputy Head of Federal Tariff Service;
- Ivashenscov Gleb Alexandrovich, deputy director of the Russian Center of developments by APEC, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the RF;
- Lipatov Yury Alexandrovich, First Deputy Chairman of the Energy Committee of the State Duma;
- Makarov Alexey Alexandrovich, counselor of the RAS, member of the RAS academy;
- Mastepanov Alexey Mikhailovich, deputy director of oil and gas problems’ Institute of the RAS;
- Mezhevich Valentin Efimovich, deputy General Director of JSC “Russian Networks”;
- Petrenko Vadim Evgenievich, head of technique and technologies of the sea fields development’ management division of the gas, gas condensate and oil development, JSC «GAZPROM»;
- Rogalev Nikolay Dmitrievich, rector of the National Research University «Moscow Power Engineering Institute»;
- Rogotzky Victor Victorovuch, Member of the Economy Policy’ Committee, Federal Council of the RF;
- Selyutin Dmitry Eduardovich, the first deputy General Director for investments and development JSC “Far East Energy Management Company”.
- Texler Alexey Leonidovich, deputy Minister of energetic of the RF;
- Timoshilov Victor Petrovich, deputy head of projects management Dept, head of Division for eastern projects JSC «Gazprom».