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The world economy and energy development’ forecast up to 2040 year has been presented in the Forum «Russian fuel and energy complex in XXI century»

22 April 2014

On the 21st of April 2014, in the central area of the XII Moscow International «Russian Fuel and Energy Complex in XXI Century», the leading scientists and experts of the Energy Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Analytical Centre under the Government of the RF, have presented to the participants of the 1st Forum plenary discussion the new issue of the  «Energy world and Russian development forecast up to the 2040 year».
The Moderator of the session, Makarov Alexey Alexandrovich, the counselor of the RAS, member of the Academy has announced in his speech, that previous issues of the Forecast have revealed high necessity of Russia in our own vision of the world economy development.
The forecasts materials are widely discussed in Russia and abroad, actively used in the government and corporate strategic documents, in scientific and applied researches.
The New Forecast 2014 issue contains the detailed analysis of the last changes, transforming the stable world economy and energy trends, as well as the estimation of world development for the next 25 years. The forecast also contains the results of the current hydrocarbons market conjuncture analysis on the base of modified model complex, which allows us to estimate the world oil, gas and coal markets in detail. The principal new scenario focused on the new countries-developers of hydrocarbons, as well as the resources’ constrains of the countries-consumers, shows us the prospective of the Russian economy and energy under the new world  influences.
Discussion participants: L.M. Grigoryev, the Senior counselor of the Analytic Center of the Government of the RF, professor of the National Research University by the Higher School of Economics (NRU HSE); V.A. Kulagin the head of the World Economy Markets’ Research Center (NRU HSE); T.A. Mitrova, the head of Department of Development of the World and Russia’ Oil and Gas Complex, has presented the different parts of the renewed Forecast and replied the questions of other discussion participants.

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