23 April 2014
On the 22nd of April, in the frames of the business program of the forum, the Round table «Development of national system for trunk pipe lines: the ways of increasing of reliability and effectiveness. Promising projects and innovative technologies» has taken place.
Moderator of the Round table Alexander Pavlovich Epishov, the senior analyst of the Forum «Russian Fuel and Energy Complex in XXI Century» in his welcome speech has specially marked the important role of the trunk pipe lines as the key technological factor for increasing of competitiveness and instrument of the Russian fuel and energy export potential realization.
Moderator stressed, that the new challenges for Russian energetic sector, provided by sufficient changes in the world markets make the question of the quality competitiveness increasing of a highest importance in today’s agenda.
In this connection, the important question of trunk pipelines reliability and especially, economical effectiveness of its exploitation increasing (including the rational utilization of investment resources) become of a high actuality today.
The participants of the Round table, including representatives of GAZPROM Company and its subsidiary companies, developers and suppliers of the equipment and materials, as well as the raw of science schools and universities, have discussed experience of developing and realization of the investment projects, and technical upgrading and modernization programs for pipe line systems. The participants’ attention was focused on the technical condition management and integrity of the pipeline systems’ experience, as well as the introduction of the new technologies, equipment and materials, providing entirely new level of reliability and ecological effectiveness of the pipe lines.
The report of the Federal Tariff Service presented to the participants of the Round table the key principles of the tariff politics and level of the tariffs, which consider both provision of a high level of exploitation, technical service and repairing, and investment need of the branch. In some materials the new prospective materials, technologies and equipment were presented.
At the same time, the speakers have focused their reports not only on the technical and technological aspects of the new decision implementation, but also on their economical and ecological potential, paying the special attention to the achieved results and economical effect of these implementations.
The general mood of the Round table participants can be characterized as a high aspiration to assist the strengthening of trunk pipe lines competitiveness.