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Goldman Sachs Managing Director Participates in the MIEF-2011

16 March 2011

Alastair Maxwell, Managing Director of Goldman Sachs, the world’s largest banking holding, has forwarded his MIEF-2011 participation application to the Forum Organizing Committee.

Goldman Sachs (established in 1869) is one of the world’s largest investment banks. The bank’s business is divided into three key subdivisions: investment banking, exchange trading, asset and securities management. The exchange trading and the investment compose the largest one among the three segments of the bank’s business activities, being the main profit earners for the company as well.  The segment comprises three subdivisions: fixed income investment with foreign exchange and commodity activities (lending product sale, foreign exchange and commodity transactions), trade in securities, and investment activities themselves.
The headquarters of the bank is located in New York. Since 1998, a representative office of Goldman Sachs has functioned in Moscow.
According to the Bloomberg Financial News Agency, several days ago, the US Federal Reserve System (FRS) adopted a decision on reforming the Goldman Sachs Bank into banking holding.
The site of the bank: www2.goldmansachs.com

Translated from Russian into English by Literra translation bureau

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