11 March 2011
International-level experts' coming to the Forum means an opportunity to learn many-sided competent opinions on the most important issues concerning the development of the world power industry. Recently the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) confirmed its participation in the MIEF-2011. At the Forum the OECD will be represented by Mr. Geoff Barnard, an expert of the Economics Department.
The OECD (www.oecd.org) is an organization, uniting 30 countries and providing, first of all, a forum in which the governments of the member states can discuss, develop and improve economic and social policy. On its platform, they share experience, seek solutions to common problems and work out the coordinated internal and external policy which – in the contemporary world – should be an increasingly dense network of united supranational approaches to dealing with these problems. The OECD headquarters is in Paris.
The issues discussed by the governments of the OECD member states come from the information and the analytical surveys provided by the OECD Secretariat. This work is organized according to the domains corresponding to the structural units of the member-country ministries which are responsible for political decision-making; it is executed in close cooperation with the persons that will use its results in making related decisions. Also, the results of this work give the topics to be discussed among the member states in specialized OECD committees. Most research and analytic OECD materials are published by mass-media.
The material is prepared with the use of information from http://oecdru.org
Translated from Russian into English by Literra translation bureau