22 July 2013
In the framework of the XII Moscow International Energy Forum «Russian Fuel and Energy Complex in the XXI Century», the MIEF-2014 Organizing and Programme Committees plan to hold an international conference, on which issues of development of the fuel and energy complex of the Far East of Russia will be discussed in the context of the state program «Far East and Baikal region social and economic development till 2018».
An updated draft of the state program «Social and economic development of the Far East and Baikal regions till 2018» was introduced by Ministry for Development of Russian Far East last week before the Government of the Russian Federation. The draft program provides for a large number of infrastructural objects in the field of transport and energy that will allow the oil companies, operating in the region, to reduce the cost of production, transportation and processing of hydrocarbons, which will contribute to their competitiveness in foreign markets. Implementation of this program will change the face of the economy and life of the population in the region.
Project execution in the Eastern Siberia and the Far East is faced with difficult problems: missing or ramshackle region infrastructure, legal uncertainty, bureaucratic incompetence, corruption and clan structures and catastrophic demographic situation in the Far East. All these factors deter potential investors from long-term projects in Eastern Siberia and the Far East.
In these circumstances and conditions the most winning strategy for Russia is the establishment of a sector within the Asia Pacific Region’s oil and gas market on the Far East Russia. It requires the development of its own processing transport and energy industry of oil and gas complex. Oil and gas must be processed into the finished product at the Russian plants in the Far East. We must have our own industry to build tankers for oil and liquefied gas. We must have our own terminals for transshipment of crude oil and LNG in Russia and neighboring countries.
We must take measures for the development of transmission lines between the power systems of Eastern Siberia and the Far East, including along the Baikal-Amur Mainline (the BAM), the Transsib (the Trans-Siberian Railway) and the electric grid facilities to ensure the accelerated building-up of the Eastern gas program and the accession of isolated power grids of the United Energy System of the East.