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The second session of the MIEF Program Committee took place in Moscow

21 February 2011

On 17 February, the second session of the Program Committee of the Moscow International Energy Forum (MIEF) «Russian Fuel and Energy Complex in the XXI Century» took place at the Institute of Oil and Gas Problems of RAS in Moscow.

The session was participated by:

DMITRIYEVSKIY Anatoliy Nikolayevich – Director of the Institute of Oil and Gas Problems of RAS, RAS Academician, Program Committee Chairman
MAKAROV Aleksey Aleksandrovich – Director of the Energy Research Institute of RAS, RAS Academician, Program Committee member
BUSHUYEV Vitaliy Vasilyevich – Director of the Institute for Energy Strategy, Program Committee Member;
SALYGIN Valeriy Ivanovich – Director of the International Institute of Energy Policy and Diplomacy of MGIMO (University) in MFA of Russia, RAS Corresponding Member, Program Committee Member
MARTYNOV Viktor Georiyevich – Rector of Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, Professor, Program Committee Member
EPISHOV Alexander Pavlovich – First Deputy Director General of MIEF «Russian Fuel and Energy Complex in the XXI Century», MIEF Principal Analyst, Program Committee Executive Secretary; 
POROKHOVA Natalya Vladimirovna – Head of the Power Industry Research Department of the Institute of the Natural Monopolies Problems, Representative of Yu. Z. Saakyan, Program Committee Member;
LEBEDEVA Olga Vasilyevna – Head of a Department of OJSC «VNIPIneft», Representative of V.M. Kapustin, Program Committee Member;
KULAKOV Vitaliy Nikolayevich - Analyst of MIEF «Russian Fuel and Energy Complex in the XXI Century»

The session participants heard the progress report by the Program Committee Executive Secretary A. P. Epishov on the amendments to the Forum Program Project following the decisions of the first Committee session and the wishes and recommendations received by the Program Committee between the sessions.

A. N. Dmitrievskiy, A. A. Makarov, V. V. Bushuyev, V. I. Salygin, V. G. Martynov, A. P. Epishov, O. V. Lebedeva spoke during the discussion of the report.

In follow-up of the discussion, the Committee has adopted certain decisions on amendments to the MIEF-2011 Program Project and on involvement of leading representatives of the scientific expert community as speakers at the Forum. It has been decided to advice the Organizing Committee to hold the MIEF-2011 Plenary Session «Russian Fuel and Energy Complex in the XXI Century: International Dimension» as an open discussion including two separate sessions: «World Energy: Legal Framework and Global Energy Safety» and «Factor of Russia in the World Energy».
Under the decision of the Program Committee, the candidates for the discussion moderators and the international conference chairmen have been approved and each Committee member’s personal responsibilities in MIEF-2011 preparation have been allocated. In particular, the persons responsible for the final preparation of each of the 10 conferences have been appointed. Their obligations will include the formation of the final proposals on the subjects and the main issues of a specific conference, familiarization with the received report theses, interaction with the reporters. By 28 February, all new proposals on the conferences will be included in the updated version of the Program Project and submitted for the Committee’s approval.
At the suggestion by A. A. Makarov, Director of the Energy Research Institute of RAS, certain changes have been introduced in the MIEF-2011 Program. On 6 April, the first day of the Forum (actually, the day of the participants’ registration and the exhibition mounting), there will be the Round Table «Methods of Forecasting of the World and Russian Energy Sector Development» participated by members of the MIEF-2011 Program Committee, leading Russian and foreign scientists, analysts and experts. The special feature of this event will be its closing part when the discussers attempt to brainstorm the wishes and recommendations formulating the most interesting and urgent topics for next day’s plenary discussion.

Translated from Russian into English by Literra translation bureau

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