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Delegation of OJSC “Gazprom” will participate in the events of the MIEF-2013

1 April 2013

The delegation of OJSC “Gazprom” (27 representatives of the company) will participate in the events of the XI Moscow International Energy Forum (MIEF-2013) and the exhibition “Russian Fuel and Energy Complex in the XXI century”. As the speakers at the plenary discussions and round tables of the forum will be the following members of OJSC “Gazprom”:
 - Director General of LLC “Gazprom energoholding” Denis V. Fedorov  will participate in the plenary discussion on the topic “Regional energy issues. How to attract investments in the modernization of the technological infrastructure?”;
- Deputy Head of the Department for project management Viktor P. Timoshilov will participate in the round table “Far East as Russia’s Energy Door to Asia-Pacific Region”
- Member of the Management Board, Head of Department on transportation, underground storage and use of gas Oleg E. Aksutin will participate in the round table “Modernization of trunk pipeline systems of fuel and energy complex of Russia: investments and new technologies».
Open joint-stock company “Gazprom” is an annual General Industry Partner of the Moscow International Energy Forum. Corporate exposition of OJSC “Gazprom” in the framework of the exhibition “Russian Energy and Fuel Complex in the XXI century” is traditionally one of the most impressive and representative.

Official site:  www.gazprom.ru

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