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Continue the registration for participation in the round table “Comprehensive approach to ensuring the reliability of heat-mechanical equipment at the enterprises of the fuel and energy complex”

5 March 2013

The round table “Comprehensive approach to ensuring the reliability of heat-mechanical equipment at the enterprises of the fuel and energy complex” will be held on April 9, 2013 (15:15 – 17:15) in the framework of the Moscow International Energy Forum (MIEF-2013) “Russian Energy and Fuel Complex in the XXI century”. Venue: St. Moscow, «Expocentre», Conference Hall №1.

To participate in the round table specialists are invited operating, contracting and project organizations of the Russian industry and energy, as well as representatives of companies-developers and suppliers of the equipment and materials for the Fuel and Energy Complex and related industries.
In the framework of the discussion the participants of the round table will discuss the positive experience of realization of complex programs of technical re-equipment and advanced methods of diagnosis and repair of technological objects of the fuel and energy industry, exploiting the heat-mechanic equipment. Part of the presentations will be devoted to the promising directions of the scientific-research works, which are aimed at increasing of reliability of heat-mechanical equipment.

The General Partner of round table: research-and-production company “Ilma”. «Ilma” is a developer and manufacturer of high quality seals for industrial and energy equipment, for many years supports the Moscow International Energy Forum “Russian Energy and Fuel Complex in the XXI century”. Representatives of «Ilma» are included in the Organizing Committee and the working group of the administration of the Forum. In addition, the company is a co-organizer of the annual event at the venue of the Forum, in which representatives of the production objects of the Fuel and Energy Complex discuss the problems of technological modernization of enterprises, including the issues of transition to modern seals.

About the participation in the round table, please, contact with Zinaida Demishina phone: (812) 326 6018, e-mail: demishina@mief-tek.com.

For information:
LLC “Ilma” is a scientific production company, the Russian leader in the field of innovative technologies of hermetic sealing of plug-industrial and energy equipment. “Ilma” develops and produces sealing materials and products under the trademarks of Ilma® and GraFlan®. The company has a modern production base, equipment for the testing of the seals, as well as service center, equipped with high-tech equipment for cutting of sheet sealing materials. “Ilma” is a distributor in Russia of the seals of the leading world manufacturers - Rich. Klinger Dichtungstechnik (Austria), Kempchen Dichtungstechnik (Germany), SGL Group (Germany) and also the supplier of the German equipment company “Peters” for cutting of sheet materials.

Official site: www.ilma-sealing.com

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