28 February 2013
For the first time ever in the framework of the XI Moscow International Energy Forum (MIEF-2013) and the exhibition “Russian Energy and Fuel Complex in the XXI century” organized by the Specialized salon “Pipeline valves for Fuel and Energy complex industries (PV for Fuel and Energy Complex)”.
Participants of the salon will present a wide range of high-performance industrial equipment for control of working medium flow, including shutoff, control, safety and protective industrial valves, as well as sealing technique, details of pipelines and associated equipment.
In the salon will take part:
• LLC «Ilma»
• LLC «Graflan» (subsidiary company of the holding «Gazpromregiongaz»)
• CJSC «AESK» (Vexve)
• Concern «SoyuzEnergo»
• LLC «Valverus-TPA»
• CJSC «Scientific-production Association «ARKON»
• CJSC «NPO Flame»