15 February 2013
Open Joint Stock Company “Engineering oil and gas company - All-Union Scientific Research Institute for construction and operation of pipelines, objects of Fuel and Energy Complex” (OJSC «VNIIST») will participate in the events of the XI Moscow International Energy Forum “Russian Energy and Fuel Complex in the XXI century” (MIEF-2013).
In his letter to the address the Administration of the MIEF, the President of OJSC “VNIIST” Sergei P. Glazunov has informed, that the adviser of the President, doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Georgy I. Makarov will act with the report: “Experience of “VNIIST” in the formation of the strategy of technical policy of modernization of systems of pipeline transport”.
OJSC “VNIIST” carries out a complex of scientific-research and engineering works on the objects of Fuel and Energy Complex, ranging from the development of normative-technical documentation and design to technical supervision and quality control for the construction of the facilities. The main task of “VNIIST” is the formation of a new sectoral regulatory framework from the national to the corporate standards. During 65 years of its existence OJSC “VNIIST” has participated in more than 450 projects in 40 countries of the world, starting with the construction of all major systems of main pipelines of the former USSR.
Official site: www.vniist.ru