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“Energy responds to the world trends” - interview with the chief analyst of MIEF Alexander Epishov in the Studio of the radio company “Voice of Russia”

14 February 2013

What kind of questions of development of the world energy will be discussed at the international forum "Russian Energy and Fuel Complex in the XXI century", for what is need "Energy Internet" and whether alternative sources to replace hydrocarbon and nuclear power plants, said the chief analyst of the Forum

Guest of "Voice of Russia"  – Alexandr P. Epishov, the chief analyst of MIEF “Russian Fuel and Energy Complex in the XXI century”

The interviewer is Andrei Ilyashenko.

Ilyashenko: In the beginning of April in Moscow will be held the XI Moscow International Energy Forum entitled as "Russian Fuel and Energy Complex in the XXI century" (MIEF-2013). About the Forum and the issues that will be on it discussed we asked to tell our guest the chief analyst of the Forum Alexander P. Epishov.

Why was it decided to convene the Forum, especially with such a rather ambitious title, discussions about the challenges of the Fuel and Energy Complex of Russia in XXI century?

Epishov:  Forum "Russian Fuel and Energy Complex in the XXI century" is held for many years, this will be already the eleventh. It's got a great story, it started out as an event of the Russian scale, but gradually it has been gaining momentum, attracted the attention of the expert community, government, business.

This is the third year we are holding it in the international format. This means that we consider not only the problems of the Russian Fuel and Energy Complex, and the problems of world energy, problems of international cooperation. This forum has as its main theme of new vectors of development of world energy, challenges, risks, which arise before the Russian fuel and energy sector in connection with these new vectors, how to adapt the Russian energy strategy to the fact that Russia maintained and reinforced its strategic leadership in the global energy industry and in the global raw material markets.

Ilyashenko: Who from prominent participants will arrive at the MIEF-2013?

Epishov: The Forum traditionally is held with the leading russian and foreign experts. Gunther Oettinger, the European Commissioner on energy policy, made the report on our Forum. In the past year we were visited by the head of the UN Economic Commission for Europe, representatives of foreign countries, leading experts from Germany, France, the UK and the United States, representatives of the Ministries of Energy.

We do not put our main aim to see the guru of world energy and the world expert community on our Forum stage. Russian experts are very authoritative and competent in the whole world. I can mention such names as Leonid Grigoriev, Andrey Konoplyanik, Tatiana Mitrova, Alexey Makarov, Vitaly Bushuev - the experts, a very respected in Russia and abroad, who are well versed in the issues of geopolitics, economy, finance and world energy.

I think that our Forum “Russian Energy and Fuel Complex in the XXI century” has a very serious expert, intellectual component. And we act very carefully in this regard.

Ilyashenko: What are the main themes? We are talking about what will be discussed the challenges of energy, in fact, the economy of Russia. But the whole world faced by these challenges, because the energy problem was and remains the most important in the world economy and in world politics. What are the most important points you intend to discuss on the Forum?

Epishov: You mentioned the phrase "energy problem". Sometimes it is said about the problem of energy security. With the mere passage of time the meaning that the content of this phrase seriously has been changing. If earlier we spoke about the problem of international energy security as a problem of provision of resources, lack of resources, this issue can be removed from the agenda because the mineral resources are enough for hundreds of years.

The question is in the other. Now is needing the sustainable energy, in which social, environmental factors are key. That’s why it’s not just energy, which gives the opportunity to develop the economy, but energy, which has minimal environmental damage, which provides all layers of the population of cheap affordable electricity.

There is such a transformation. In modern conditions the world is developing under the imperative of survival. And energy as the driving force of technological development cannot but respond to this situation. Sustainable development is a global trend, it's "green" energy, the fight against warming, caring for climate – that’s is a complex of issues, trends, which determine the development of the energy sector.

Energy is an integral part of the global economy. And the world economy in the medium term, in the next, perhaps, 3-7 years, will be in a state of uncertainty. Political risks are very high. You know that in the middle East, in Syria, in Africa is unstable situation. In these conditions, the volatility of prices for primary energy resources will be high…

The full version of the interview with Mr. Epishov is available in audio format (Russian state radio company “Voice of Russia”) http://rus.ruvr.ru/radio_broadcast/no_program/103963171.html

Official site of “Voice of Russia”: www.rus.ruvr.ru

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