11 January 2013
“Voice of Russia”, broadcasting to the foreign countries since 1929, will act as the General Information Partner of the XI Moscow International Energy Forum and exhibition “Russian Energy and Fuel Complex in the XXI Century”.
According the survey carried out among radio listeners from 80 countries, “Voice of Russia” enters into the five the world's top radio broadcasters, its total audience reaches 109 million people.
“Voice of Russia” is a member of the National Association of Television and Radio Broadcasters, the European Broadcasting Union, Digital Radio Mondiale and the Conference of International Broadcasters’ Audience Research. Many “Voice of Russia” programs have won the Radiomania national award. In 2008 “Voice of Russia” won the Runet Prize in the nomination “Runet out of RU ”
Today “Voice of Russia” broadcasts to 160 countries in 31 languages for total of 178 hours per day, on short and medium waves, in the FM band, via satellite and through the applications for mobile phones and social networks.
“Voice of Russia” broadcasts on the Internet in 37 languages. Visitors can choose from on-line reports, audio, video and multimedia material.
Official site of “Voice of Russia”: http://rus.ruvr.ru