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The Organizing Committee of the MIEF announced about preparation of the round table «New EU Energy Strategy; Consequences for Russia»

22 November 2010

The round table will comprise summing up on the First European Energy Summit to be held on 4 February 2011. As for the participant of the summit, they will discuss the special Communiqué prepared by the European Energy Commission for the European Parliament and the EU Council. This document reflects the main strategic guidelines of the updated EU energy strategy for next decade.
In its Communiqué, the European Commission determined five priorities, including:  energy supply, European-market infrastructure integration, determination of the common external energy policy, technology development, customer rights protection.
Commenting on the new strategy, the European Commissioner on Energy Günther Oettinger said: «The energy challenges are one of the greatest tests for all of us. Redirection of our energy system to a new, more stable and safe path of development may take time; but it is today, when the principal decisions must be made».
Proceeding from the basic principles of the new EU energy strategy, the European Commission plans to propose new legislative initiatives within next 18 months.
The issue of the Russia-EU dialog holds a key position in the MIEF-2011 agenda. The Forum organizing committee finds it appropriate to discuss the results of the First European Energy Summit emphasizing the prospects of Russian-European energy cooperation. 
Organization of the preparation and conduct of the round table was considered at a working meeting by Valeriy Salygin, the Director of MIEP (University) in MFA of Russia, and the Principal Analyst of MIEF Alexander Epishov.
The round table will be supported and participated by the Institute of the Regional Development Issues, the International Institute of Energy Policy and Diplomacy MIEP (University) in MFA of Russia and the Institute of Oil and Gas Problems of the RAS.
The event will invite leading Russian and foreign experts, specialists from the Russian Foreign and Energy Ministries, officials from the International Energy Agency and the European Commission.
The goal of the round table was declared to be «assistance to the Russia-EU energy dialog on the public-expert level».
The event will take place in the latter half of February 2011. For participation please contact the Press Service of MIEF. Tel.: + 7 921 303 07 42.

Translated from Russian into English by Literra translation bureau

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