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Rectors of the leading Russian energy universities and institutes will meet at the MIEF-2012 to discuss the higher school’s first-priority goals for sustainable development of the fuel-and-energy complex

21 March 2012

The rectors of the leading sectoral institutes and universities, and representatives of the major energy companies, researchers and experts in education will participate in the international conference «Higher Professional Education for Sustainable Power Industry Development: Conceptual Approaches, Models and Strategies, Good Practices». The conference is to be a part of the MIEF-2012.
The general partner of the conference is the National Research University «Moscow Power Engineering Institute». The event will be chaired and hosted by Prof. S. Serebryannikov, MPEI Rector, Doctor of Engineering Sciences.
The conference will discuss the primary role of the education in solving the contradictions between the new emerging civilization and the backward technocratic culture. The conference participants will examine the basic problems of the modern higher education and focus on development of a new strategy and new goals of the higher education in terms of sustainable development. These new goals should be grounded upon advanced understanding of social attitude to the education as a factor of reproduction of the game-changing social and professional environment.
The conference agenda features the following reporters:
Edward Abdullazyanov, Acting Rector of Kazan State Energy University.
Valentin Afanasyev, Pro-Rector for Research Activities of State University of Management, Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences.
Yury Borovikov, Pro-Rector of the Energy Institute at Tomsk Polytechnical University.
Oleg Egorychev, First Pro-Rector of Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences.
Andrey Korchak, Rector of Moscow State Mining University.
Viktor Martynov, Rector of Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas.
Sergey Mischeryakov, Director General of the Non-Profit Partnership «Corporate Educational and Research Center of the Unified Energy System» (NPP «CERC UES»), Chairman of the Board at Corporate Energy University, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Candidate of Engineering Sciences.
Sergey Tararykin, Rector of Lenin Ivanovo State Energy University.
Alexander Fedulov, Director of Smolensk Branch of Moscow Power Engineering Institute.
Representative of Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University.
The conference will be held on 5 April 2012 (14.30-18.15) in the Small Hall of CEH «Manege».

Translated from Russian into English by Literra translation bureau

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