20 February 2012
We congratulate our colleagues – the members of the Organizing and Program Committees of the MIEF-2012 – on their winning of the Russian Government’s Science and Technology Prize 2011.
Under Order of the Russian Government of 6 February 2012 No. 146-p, our colleagues were awarded with the Russian Government’s Science and Technology Prize 2011 and the rank of «Russian Government’s Science and Technology Prize Winner». Congratulations to the laureates:
Vitaly Bushuev , Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Director General of CJSC «Globalization and Sustainable Development. Institute of Energy Strategy».
Alexey Makarov , Academician, Director of «Energy Research Institute of RAS»
(within the group of scientists and specialists headed by Nikolay Voropay, RAS Corresponding Member, Director of Melentyev Energy Systems Institute of RAS Siberian Branch – for development of the methodology and strategy of the regional energy programs and their introduction in Russia).
Timur Ivanov, Director General of Federal State Institution «Russian Energy Agency» of the Russian Ministry of Energy;
(within the group of scientists and specialists headed by Vadim Ostrirov, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Department Head of CJSC «TSENTRTEKHKOMPLEKT» – for development and introduction of the basic technology and smart electromechanical complexes for important industries and application with strict requirements to reliable and continuous work).
Vladimir Busygin, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Director General of OJSC «Nizhnekamskneftekhim», Project Leader
(for scientific and technological foundation, creation and commercial development of innovative, environment-friendly, resource-saving technologies for the production of isoprene and range of high-quality petroleum by-products).
Alexander Bedritsky, Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Adviser to the Russian President
(within the group of scientists and specialists headed by Vasily Asmus, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Director of State Entity «Space Hydrometeorology Research Center «Planeta» – for development and introduction of the state territorial distributing system of space monitoring of environment).
The MIEF Directorate, Organizing and Program Committees congratulate our colleagues on their winning and wish them all success; in particular, continued success in their future endeavors for greater good of Russia’s economical development.
Translated from Russian into English by Literra translation bureau