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National Research University «Moscow Power Engineering Institute» will take part in the MIEF-2012 as the general partner of the international conference

13 February 2012

Sergey Serebryannikov, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Rector of National Research University «MPEI», will chair and host the MIEF-2012 international conference «Higher Professional Education for Sustainable Development of the Power Industry: Conceptual Approaches, Models and Strategies, Good Practices». The conference will hear Russian and foreign representatives of the higher education institutions that train specialist for the fuel-and-energy complex sectors, as well as representatives of the major energy companies, scientists and experts in education. The conference will focus on the changes the higher education system should undergo to align with the new strategic goals of sustainable development and the new conceptual reality of the XXI century.
Acting as a responsible member of the Program Committee, Sergey Serebryannikov will also assist the MIEF-2012 Organizing Committee in organizing three conferences within the Forum and inviting the leading scientists and experts of MPEI to make reports within the forum events.
Reference Information (from www.mpei.ru):
National Research University «Moscow Power Engineering Institute» is the one of the biggest technical universities of Russia. It provides the specialist’s training and scientific research in the field of power engineering, electrical engineering, radio electronics, computer engineering.
MPEI has modern educational buildings, academic and scientific laboratories, students’ hostels, powerful experimental facilities, a pilot-plant, an academic-research heat and power plant, a university technical park.
Since 1946, MPEI has trained engineers and scientists for foreign countries. Currently, MPEI works with students and post-graduates from 68 countries.
The university’ advances in training engineers and scientists have been awarded with two Russian and six foreign orders.

Translated from Russian into English by Literra translation bureau

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