23 November 2011
Alexander Bedritskiy, Climate Advisor to the President of Russia, one of the most competent meteorologists in Russia, joined the Organizing Committee of the X Moscow International Energy Forum “Russian Fuel and Energy Complex in the XXI Century”.
For 16 years, A. Bedritskiy headed the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring. In November 2009, he became the adviser to the President of Russia.
He was the first person to take this new post in the Kremlin administration. However, the presidents of several other states had employed climate advisors even since 2007.
The representatives of presidents and governments in the sphere of climate became necessary due to need of international cooperation on natural anomalies and their influence on the national economies, as well as the technological impact on the world climate.
In 20 years from the momentous event – the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development held in 1992 in Rio – once again, this Brazilian city will host the world summit, RIO+20.
In September 2011 in New York, the High-Level Panel on Global Sustainability held its fourth session, participated by Alexander Bedritskiy.
The session chaired by Tarja Halonen, President of Finland, and Jacob Zuma, President of the RSA, examined the draft report giving yearly summary of the Panel’s work.
The world development priorities voiced at the session included resource-saving economy; access to energy, food and freshwater, education and labour; environment protection; sustainable urban development; women’s rights; eradication of poverty.
The draft report also marked the main barriers, hampering the sustainable development, and uttered specific recommendations that should help the national governments to overcome them.
The report will be completed by the end of this year.
In January 2012, in preparing to the UN Conference RIO+20, the report will be submitted to Ban Ki-moon, the UN Secretary General.
Translated from Russian into English by Literra translation bureau