3 October 2011
In accordance with the Regulation, the Program Committee of the Forum is a consultative and public body of the Organizing Committee. The Program Committee is intended to assist in unveiling the Forum’s intellectual potential. In particular, the Program Committee submits a program of the Forum, a list of participants in the plenary discussion, keynote speakers, co-chairmen and moderators of conferences and roundtable discussions, and drafts of final documents to the Organizing Committee for their approval. The Committee is formed by the Forum’s Directorate; its members are renewed annually. The Program Committee of the MIEF-2012 includes:
Vitaliy V. Bushuev
Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Director General of CJSC “Globalization and Sustainable Development. Institute of Energy Strategy”.
Leonid M. Grigoryev
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Research Supervisor at the Federal State Institution “Russian Energy Agency” of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation
Anatoliy N. Dmitrievskiy
RAS Academician, Director of the Institute of Oil and Gas Problems of RAS
Alexander P. Epishov
Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Director General of LLC “Ilma”, MIEF Principal Analyst
Andrey P. Epishov
Director General of MIEF “Russian Fuel and Energy Complex in the XXI Century”
Alexey A. Makarov
RAS Academician, Director of the Energy Research Institute of RAS
Valentin E. Mezhevich
First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Commission on Natural Monopolies
Valeriy I. Salygin
RAS Corresponding Member, Director of the International Institute of Energy Policy and Diplomacy of MGIMO (University) in MFA of Russia,
Sergey V. Serebryannikov
Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Rector of the National Research University (MEI)
Nodari A. Simoniya
RAS Academicain, Professor of MIEP of MGIMO (University) in MFA of Russia
Stanislav V. Zhukov
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Head of the Center for Energy Studies of IMEMO of RAS
The Program Committee session considered the draft Program of the MIEF 2012 prepared by the Forum analytical group. Upon discussing the issue, recommendations and proposals regarding further development of the draft Program were stated. It was decided to take the draft as a base and to charge A.P. Epishov, Principal Analyst of the Forum, with introducing the authorized amendments into the draft and e-mailing the amended draft Program edition to each Committee member personally. The Committee members agreed that each of them would examine the draft thoroughly and, on the basis of the available opportunities and competence, contribute to developing the subject area and the principal discussion issues and to inviting competent speakers to a conference or round table within the Forum.
Translated from Russian into English by Literra translation bureau