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Address from the MIEF General Director

13 April 2011

Dear Friends,

The Moscow International Energy Forum «Russian Fuel and Energy Complex in the XXI Century» (MIEF-2011) has finished its work. All who have been involved in the preparation of the Forum – members of the Organizing Committee, participants of the working group, the Forum Directorate, and our analytical group especially – will need some time to provide the Forum participants and all interested organizations with the main structured result of the MIEF-2011 – an analytical report.
Today, when summarizing the seven-month work to prepare the MIEF-2011, first of all, I would like to express gratitude to the members of the Organizing and Programming Committees, our old partners, sponsors, reporters, and all the participants, for the invaluable assistance that we received when preparing the Forum.  Thanks to the common efforts, we have managed to implement this large-scale public project.
I would like to highlight the well coordinated work of the Organizing Committee working group participants. All its members, from analysts to technicians, successfully fulfilled the assigned tasks and did whatever was necessary to ensure that the Forum participants worked in comfortable conditions.
I would like to note the two important forum preparation components, as it is the first year they have operated in full. I mean the work of the Program Committee and of the press center organized by the Forum press service. All observes have noted the extremely high level of the MIEF-2011 intellectual component, which has been directly connected with both the personal composition and the active functioning of the Forum Program Committee. Thanks to greatest authority of these professionals:  RAS academicians, the leading scientists, experts and analysts of the power industry research institutes, the rectors of the leading power industry universities – the Forum has succeeded to draw in the most respected and well-known speakers – representatives of the community of the scientists and experts, dealing with the power industry.
Due to the work of the Organizing Committee's press center, launched at the Forum, the experts actively commented on the latest events, having seriously influenced the world power industry, and assessed the development prospects for different sectors of the world and Russian power industry. The press center engaged experienced journalists who managed to organize interesting briefings and interviews with the leading foreign and Russian experts at the Forum.
The Forum was conducted against the background of dramatic events on a world scale. The course of events in the world power industry was seriously affected by geopolitical, natural and social cataclysms; of course, all the Forum platforms kept permanent focus on that factor. The assessments, forecasts, and proposals for amending the energy strategies that have been voiced at our Forum are sure to be of use for the high-rankers to make the decisions that will in some way influence the choice of the world power industry’s future. In this view, I would like to stress the importance of the Forum adopting the Concluding Declaration containing, in particular, calls to the leaders of the G20 states. The important component of the adopted document is clear commitment to the sustainable development principles.
The MIEF of today, being a non-governmental platform, strives for making its small public-expert contribution to this most important international process. Nowadays, all the progressive forces in the world realize that the sustainable development has no alternative; we would like to further the consolidation of the civil institutions all over the globe to follow the new path of development providing for safeguarding our planet’s resources for new generations; the path that will oppose the current globalization scenario, being pernicious for the Earth’s biosphere.
The MIEF-2011 is over, but it has been only one stage of the Forum’s development. The new jubilee tenth Forum is coming forth already. We still have much to think over and we will have to hold numerous consultations with our partners, speakers and participant in order to formulate the new forum’s purposes and main subjects. Currently, one think is clear – the Forum is needed, its authority is growing, our platform is being joined by new interesting people, the circle of our partners and friends is enlarging.
All these things enable us to move on, being aware that our movement promotes consolidation of the people who want to change the world for the better.

Thanks to all the Forum participants! See you next time!

Andrey Epishov
General Director of the Forum

Translated from Russian into English by Literra translation bureau


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